About us
The Hungarian REGENS WAGNER FOUNDATION OF PUBLIC UTILITY (Regens Wagner Közhasznú Alapítvány) was established in June 2000 by the German Regens-Wagner-Stiftung Dillingen. (www.regens-wagner.de). In Germany there are 14 regional Regens Wagner centres offering high quality services for disabled people and their families.
The Regens Wagner Közhasznú Alapítvány promotes social integration of disabled people by offering them residential home, daily care and employment.
In addition there is a 30-room guesthouse available for guests, incentive meetings and tourists. Twelve of the rooms are wheelchair accessible.
All of our services meet the needs of disabled people. All proceeds from the guesthouse are used to support the activities of the foundation.
SZÉP-kártya elfogadóhely
Aktuális időjárás
Regens Wagner Otthon
Balatonmáriafürdő, Rákóczi u. 2.
Telefon: +36 85 575 953; +36 85 575 956
E-mail: info@
Regens Wagner Vendégház
Balatonmáriafürdő, Rákóczi u. 2.
Telefon: +36 85 575 953; +36 85 575 951
E-mail: info@regenswagner.t-online.hu,
regenswagner.hu - 2019. Minden jog fenntartva